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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Academic Positions and Work Experience


  • PhD. Computer Science, University of Waikato (Jul. 2017)

  • MSc. Computer Science, Universidad de Chile (Sep. 2013)

  • Computer Science Engineer, Universidad de Chile (Nov. 2010)

  • Industrial Engineer, Universidad de Chile (Nov. 2010)

  • BSc. in Industrial Engineering, Universidad de Chile (Oct. 2010)

  • BSc. Computer Science, Universidad de Chile (Jan. 2009)


  • [CC6104] (Lecturer) Statistical Thinking (spring 2024, spring 2023, spring 2022, spring 2021), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile
  • [CC66S] (Lecturer) Machine Learning (spring 2024, spring 2023, spring 2022, spring 2020), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile (Professional Diploma in Artificial Intelligence)
  • [CC6205] (Lecturer) Natural Language Processing (fall 2024, fall 2023, fall 2022, fall 2021, fall 2020, spring 2019), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile
  • [CC5206] (Lecturer) Introduction to Data Mining (fall 2024, fall 2023, fall 2022, fall 2021, spring 2020, fall 2020, spring 2019, fall 2019), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile
  • [CEDCCPECO2] (Lecturer) Introduction to Machine Learning (Spring 2024), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile (Professional Diploma in Data Science)
  • [CC66E] (Lecturer) Data Mining (fall 2019), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile (Professional Diploma in Data Science)
  • [COMP321] (Lecturer) Practical Data Mining (spring 2018), Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato
  • (Lecturer) Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (June 2018) IfI Summer School 2018 on Machine Learning, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich.
  • [COMP321] (Tutor) Practical Data Mining (spring 2017), Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato
  • (Lecturer) Databases Management Diploma (spring 2013), Department of Informatics Engineering (postgraduate), Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
  • [CC5206/CC71Q] (Lecturer) Data Mining (spring 2012), Computer Science Department (undergraduate and postgraduate), Universidad de Chile
  • [IN72K] (Lecturer) Information Technologies and Business Process Redesign (fall 2011), Master in Operations Management, Universidad de Chile
  • [IN4522] (TA) Web Mining (spring 2010), Industrial Engineering, Universidad de Chile
  • [IN7B0] (TA) ICT for globalization (spring 2010), Master in Management for Globalization, Universidad de Chile


As Principal Investigator

  • [2020 - 2023] FONDECYT de Iniciación. Proyect Title: Tracking social public opinion: a stream-mining based approach. Code: 11200290
  • [2020 - 2022] U-INICIA (Concurso de reforzamiento de inserción productiva de nuevos académicos VID Uchile). Proyect Title (in Spanish): Inducción Incremental de Léxicos Afectivos desde Twitter. Code: UI-004/20

As Investigator

  • [2023-2024] FONDEF VIU23P 0110. Proyect Title (in Spanish): "DashAI: Una plataforma interactiva de experimentación en Inteligencia Artificial”. In this project, I serve as the supervisor of my master's student, Ignacio Nuñez who acts as PI.
  • [2019-2020] False News on Facebook during the 2017 Chilean Elections: Analyzing Its Content, Diffusion, and Audience Characteristic, The Social Science Research Council.


  • [June 2024] Evaluation of a proposal for a degree program at the Catholic University of Uruguay on Engineering and B.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay.
  • [October 2023] Evaluation of a proposed undergraduate program at the University of Montevideo on Engineering in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay.
  • Area Chair: EMNLP 2020 track "Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining".
  • Conference Program Committes: CoMeDi-COLING 2025, NAACL 2024, LivingNER-IberLEF 2022, AAAI 2021, ACL 2021, TheWebConf 2021, ACL 2020, WISDOM 2020, NAACL 2019, LA-WEB 2019, WASSA 2018, WISDOM 2018, SEM-EVAL 2018, IJCAI-ECAI 2018, EMNLP 2017, WASSA 2017
  • Journal Reviewing: Digital Journalism, Plos One, ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), The Visual Computer (TVCJ), PeerJ Computer Science, Journal of Machine Learning Research, Natural Language Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Knowledge-based Systems, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine special issue on Computational Intelligence for Natural Language Processing.
  • Grant reviewing: Fondecyt de Iniciación en Investigación 2022.

University Administration

  • [2024 - ongoing] Elected member of the Council of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile.
  • [2022 - 2024] Elected member of the Departmental Council of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Chile.
  • [2020-ongoing] Member of the academic committee of the Master in Data Science at the University of Chile,.
  • [2019-2019] I participated in the elaboration of the Master in Data Science at the University of Chile.

Technology transfer

  • [2024] Consulting project through CENIA to Entel in the development of an internal chatbot for technicians in operation.
  • [2024 - ongoing] Consulting project through the IMFD to the Inter-American Development Bank on the use of Machine Learning to predict educational alerts.
  • [2022] I assisted the Chilean food company Agrosuper in its statistical experimentation methodology for production as part of an IMFD agreement.
  • [2020-2021] As part of an IMFD agreement, I assisted the Supreme Court of Chile in the development of an automatic classifier of court rulings.

Scholarships and Awards


Full list here



  • [2022 - ongoing] Fabián Villena, Co-supervised with Jocelyn Dunstan, PhD, University of Chile.
  • [2019 - ongoing] Frank Zamora, PhD, University of Chile.
  • [2020 - 2023] Hernán Sarmiento, Co-supervised with Bárbara Poblete, PhD, University of Chile.
  • [2019- 2023 ] Juglar Díaz, Co-supervised with Bárbara Poblete, PhD, University of Chile.


  • [2024 - ongoing] Tomás Guzmán, Master in Data Science, University of Chile.
  • [2024 - ongoing] Valentina Castro, Master in Data Science, University of Chile.
  • [2024 - ongoing] Benjamín Farías, Master in Data Science, University of Chile.
  • [2024 - ongoing] Nicolás Brandstetter, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2023 - ongoing] Victor Faraggi, Co-supervised with Jorge Silva, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2022 - ongoing] Ignacio Núñez, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2021 - 2025] Jorge Ortiz, Co-supervised with Beatriz Quiroz, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2022 - 2025] María José Zambrano, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2023 - 2025] César Véliz, Co-supervised with Claudia López, Master in Data Science, University of Chile.
  • [2023 - 2025] Natalia Abarca, Co-supervised with Claudia López, Master in Data Science, University of Chile.
  • [2022 - 2024] Ignacio Meza, Co-supervised with Edison Marrese and Cristian Rodriguez-Opazo, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2021 - 2023] José Cañete, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2021 - 2023] Gabriel Iturra, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2021 - 2023] Mauricio Araneda, Co-supervised with Denis Parra, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2020 - 2022] Matías Rojas, Co-supervised with Jocelyn Dunstan, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2020 - 2022] Javier Muñoz, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2019-2020] Pablo Badilla, Co-supervised with Jorge Pérez, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.
  • [2019] Arun Khanchandani, Co-supervised with Bernhard Pharinger, Master in Computer Science, University of Waikato.
  • [2019-2020] Alan Ansell, Co-supervised with Bernhard Pharinger, Master in Computer Science, University of Waikato.


  • [2024 - ongoing] Nicolás Olguín, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.
  • [2024 - ongoing] Isaías Venegas, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.
  • [2023 - 2024] Millaray Valdivia, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.
  • [2022 - 2023] Rodrigo Urrea, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.
  • [2022 - 2023] Oziel Aguilera, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.
  • [2022 - 2023] Maximiliano Aguilar, Co-supervised with Claudia López, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.
  • [2021 - 2022] María José Zambrano, Co-supervised with Pablo Badilla, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.
  • [2021 - 2022] Ignacio Meza, Co-supervised with Amanda Williamson, Electrical Engineering, University of Chile.
  • [2019-2020] Cristián Tamblay, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.
  • [2019] David Trye, Co-supervised with Andreea Calude, "Māori Borrowings in Science Digital Media", Summer Research Scholarship, University of Waikato.
  • [2018] Nicole Chan, Co-supervised with Andreea Calude, "Social Media Meets Te Reo Māori Loanwords", Honours Project, University of Waikato.
  • [2018] Joshua Lovelock, Co-supervised with Eibe Frank, "Automatic Detection of Hate Speech", Honours Project, University of Waikato.
  • [2018] Tristan Anderson, Co-supervised with Bernhard Pfahringer, "Building Time-Evolving Opinion Lexicons", Honours Project, University of Waikato.
  • [2012-2013] Edison Marrese Taylor, Co-supervised with Juan Velásquez, "Diseño e Implementación de una Aplicación de Web Opinion Mining para Identificar Preferencias de Usuarios sobre Productos Turísticos de la X Región de los Lagos", Industrial Engineering, U. of Chile.
  • [2012] Luis Maldonado, Co-advisor with Mauricio Marín, "Análisis de Sentimiento en el Sistema de Red Social Twitter", Execution Informatics Engineering, U. of Santiago.

Short Courses

  • MLSS 2015, Machine Learning Summer School, February 16-25, 2015, Sydney, Australia.
  • Forecasting, a short course taught by Bruce E. Hansen at Central Bank of Chile, October 29-31, 2013.

Academic Visits

Seminars and Talks


Shared Task Organisation

Media Outreach

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: Java, R, Python, C,C++.
  • Database Systems: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB.


  • Spanish: Native.
  • English: Fluent, TOEFL IBT 103/120.
  • German: Average, Sprachdiplom Zweite Stufe.


Felipe José Bravo Márquez

Santiago, Chile, January 28th, 2025